20 Jun 2024 - 20 Jun 2024 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Online Event

Webinar on the Safe and Sustainable by Design Framework

NCP Flanders organises a Webinar on the Safe and Sustainable by Design Framework: a guidance to scientists developing new chemicals or materials with the aim to make these safer and more sustainable.

It aims to

  • steer the innovation process towards the green and sustainable industrial transition
  • substitute or minimise the production and use of substances of concern, in line with, and beyond existing and upcoming regulatory obligations
  • minimise the impact on health, climate and the environment during sourcing, production, use and end-of-life of chemicals, materials and products

The Commission Recommendation from 8 December 2022 which announced the Framework reaches beyond HE projects, encouraging also national programmes to take up or industry to apply the framework when developing new chemicals or materials.

A representative of DG Research & Innovation from the European Commission will speak about the purpose of the framework, how it is to be used as part of a projects technical activities and the current status of the testing phase.

In a second part an expert from the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) will shed some light on the content of the SSbD framework.

There will be time for Q&A at the end of the presentations.

For registration (mandatory) click here.

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