You are invited to the upcoming 2024 OpenTox General Assembly, hosted by the OpenTox Association. The assembly will take place via GoToWebinar on 21 February 2024, from 15:00 to 17:00 CET.
• Confirmation that the General Assembly meeting was called according to the articles
• Discussion of webinars, virtual conferences, and hackathon events
• Discussion of the internship program
• Status, outlook, and planned activities of working groups and local chapters
• Presentation of the yearly budget, plans, and activities, and vote
• Approval of the minutes of the previous GA meeting
• Presentation of the association activities, financial situation, and discharge of the committee (Activities proposed 2023, Financial Report)
• Presentation of new suggested committee members and the election of the committee members and president
• Discussion of the current membership fee structure and membership needs and benefits
• Research and knowledge infrastructure activities
We look forward to your presence and active participation in shaping the future endeavors of the OpenTox Association.
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